Nisreen Ezz El-Dien Mahmoud
Professor of Parasitology
Cairo University,Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
*Dr. Mahmoud currently holds the position of a professor in the department of parasitology in the University of Cairo since 2004. Her field of specialization is Fish Parasitology. She joined as an Assistant Lecturer from 1990 to 1994. Lecturer of Parasitology since 1994. Assistant Professor of Parasitology since Sept.1999. Prof. of Parasitology since 2004.She had received her MVSc (Parasitology, fish parasites) in 1990 and PhD (Parasitology, fish parasites) from Cairo University in 1994. **She is the chair and member of the following commitees & associations: *Charing in the project of Biotechnological control of ticks in Egypt ( from 1995-1996). *Charing in the project of Geographical imfomation systems (GIS) and control of snail borne diseases. *Member of the Egyptian Vet. Med. Assoc. *Member of the zoological society A. R. Egypt. Member of fish committee of the general organization for veterinary services, Egypt.(G.O.Vet.S.) *Member of the fish committee for the solution of Lake Naser fish helminth problems in G. O. Vet. S. Egypt. *Attemptin a training course on fish Parasites in General Authority for Fish Resources Development 2002. *Member of the Egyptian Society of Veterinary Parasitology. *Member of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology. *Charring in the Project Comparative study of Lime Borreliosis Vectors/ Pathogenesis (Egyptian/US Project # 930312. from 1999-2002). *Member of the Egyptian Society of Environment and Aquatic Animal Health. *Head of the Egyptian society of parasitology and pathology of aquatic organisms. *Editor in Oceanography journal. *Member of the organization committee of Oceanography conference 2013 and 2014.
Research Interest
Fish Parasitology