Hayri ÅžEN
University of Trakya / Edirne Vocational School of Technical Sciences / Edirne/TURKEY
Title: The Importance of Purifying Textile Waste Water and Making It a Part of Nature Again
Biography: Hayri ÅžEN
Since the beginning of humanity, eating and drinking, as daily necessities, have been at vital importance for us. Water, especially with the construct in the last century that developments in textile industry caused to, enviromental pollution, water pollution and the need of purifying it, comes to the forefront.In textile industry, cleaning water contaminated by dyestuffs and chemicals can be realised thanks to purification. To carry outthis process, as can be guessed, causes a very high cost for the textile firms. To clean water conteminated in textile works from chemicals and dyestuffs and purify it, before giving it to nature, is highly important for all living beings in nature especially for microorganisms.In this study, we have laid emphasis on waste water contaminated in textile factories, purification of it, making it a part of nature again consequently protecting limited clean water supply on Earth and not giving any harm to living beings especially to microorganisms which are very important for the continuation of life.